Hall of Doors
Taking the Show on the Road
23 May 2024
Whether you have a dedicated temple space, a room you practice in as needed, or something else, every sorcerer can benefit from a mobile ritual kit. Let's crack open my sorcerous tote and take a peek not only at *what* is inside, but also *why*.
Geomancy and Programming
06 Apr 2023
Hey, I made a video doing some geomantic "live coding" (actually recorded, but you get the idea). Ever wonder what we are actually doing when we geomantically "sum" two figures? Might be fun and useful for anyone thinking about going through the educational exercise of writing their own geomancy software. Or just nerding out about geomancy and programming!
Mosaic Beta Release
06 Jan 2023
Mosaic, the digital divination project that Heather Freeman and I have been working on for the better part of a year now, has finally shipped! Grab your free copy of the software and/or watch a video of Heather and I nerding out about it.
Figma for Magicians Video (part 2)
21 Mar 2022
The second half of the Figma for Magicians class is now up on YouTube. Enjoy!
Pisces III: The Beauty of Transition
20 Mar 2022
And here we are, at the end of our decanic journey: Pisces III. It's been a long, and a short, time. A lot has happened in the world over the last ecliptic year. Things have changed, and other things have stayed the same. Although the things that stayed the same are just on a longer change cycle. Like how Jupiter is slower to move across the sky than Mars.
Figma for Magicians Video (part 1)
18 Mar 2022
Just a quick post to let folks know that if you missed my class on Figma for Magicians you can now catch the same content [over on the YouTubes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heAvb5dSbsY). Well, at least the first half of the class. Part 2 is coming soon.
Pisces II: Pure Happiness
10 Mar 2022
In the penultimate position of our year long decan walk, we find Jupiter in the land of Pisces, and it's a damn beautiful thing. Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and Jupiter also rules the second decan of Pisces. It's just a whole lot of radiant Jupiter up in here. Can I get an amen? Now let the music play.
Pisces I: The Cost of Entry
28 Feb 2022
We have arrived at last in the final sign of the zodiacal year: Pisces. I'm publishing this post on my birthday, which happens to fall in the last degree of Pisces I, which is ruled by Saturn.
Aquarius III: Too Clever by Half
18 Feb 2022
"Shrewd but flawed by overthinking or excessive complexity, with a resulting tendency to be unreliable or unsuccessful." Nowhere in the suit of swords are the machinations of the mind more obviously folly than in the VII. The necessary resourcefulness of the VI has turned into outright brazen shenanigans.
Class: Figma for Magicians
17 Feb 2022
Drawing seals? Making your own grimoire/book of shadows? Creating illustrations for planetary talismans? Designing a new cartomantic deck? Whatever part design plays in your practice, I'm going to show you how Figma will make your life just oh so much better. Stop using crappy expensive software from a company that starts with "A" and ends in "dobe". The design world has moved on (and so should you!)


Digital native divination.


Astrology software for magicians.


Geomantic charting tool.
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