I am so comically behind on my decan posts that I just can't even. CAN'T EVEN. Actually, I can even because being late is a thing that already happened as a result of poor past-me decisions. Which brings us to the VII of Pentacles, the minor associated with the third decan of Taurus. And just to really point out the lateness here, Taurus III was from May 10th to the 20th. It's now June 1.
Taurus II: Context
16 May 2021
Well, I seem to be forever behind on my decan walk posts, surprising no one. We are already nearly half way through Taurus III and I'm just now writing about Taurus II. This whole decanic journey is proving to be a bit more intense than I was anticipating.
Taurus I: Shitstorm
08 May 2021
We are nearly half-way through Taurus II and I'm still trying to process what happened in Taurus I. Pamela Colman Smith's fantastic art for the V of Pentacles really captures the mess. We got very difficult family health news toward the end of Taurus I. Given the adverse health events often associated with the V of Pentacles, this all lines up pretty well.
Aspectarian + More
25 Apr 2021
Just wanted to quickly let you know there's a new Urania update
Aries III: Life is Good
22 Apr 2021
It's really kinda terrifying how fast 10-ish days go by. It's not like there wasn't a lot going on, it just doesn't feel like 10 days of goings on (or 12 really because I'm late getting this post out, surprising no one). We have now moved into Taurus I, which means it's time for the Aries III retrospective.
Aries II: Plans in Motion
10 Apr 2021
Woo howdy, these decans are flying by aren't they? We have entered Aries III which means it's time for the Aries II retrospective. Part of what I'm discovering with this decan walk through the perspective of the tarot minors, is an on-the-ground practical experience of the card paired with the decan.
Arnemancy Podcast Discussion
07 Apr 2021
Another thing that happened just before Aries I, which I didn't discuss in the last post because it wasn't out yet, is that I recently had the great pleasure of talking with the lovely Reverend Erik about the intersection of tech and magic on his
Aries I: Blastoff
30 Mar 2021
The sun just moved into 10° Aries which means we've just left the decan of Aries I, and have entered Aries II. As such, and in keeping with my decan walk plans (and hopefully not annoying everyone with too-frequent updates), here are my thoughts about Aries I:
Creation's API
27 Mar 2021
**NOTE:** This was a draft I found of an un-published post prior to the redesign of HoD. There's good stuff in here, even if it is incomplete.
Sissy That Decan Walk
25 Mar 2021
Whoo damn! It's been a while since the last HoD update. Such is the cycle of things I suppose, particularly when one has, let's say, attention span problems. This may be a fairly short update as I mostly just want to share my decan walk plans and give you some pointers if you would like to pursue something similar.
We're not out of the woods yet...
22 Nov 2020
*art by Zdzisław Beksiński* It's a bit of a long one folks. I'm going to try and make up for my gap in updates with one big update. Quantity over quality, am I right? I'm pretty sure that's what they say.
Office Hours
04 Oct 2020
Just a very quick announcement that, in an effort to make better use of Discord, and to generally be available to folks that want to chat, I will be in the Hall of Doors Discord server every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 18:00-19:00 CEST.
The Crossroads
04 Oct 2020
It's going to be another fairly quick update, but this time with a bit more detail on why. But first!
Urania + Swiss Ephemeris
20 Sep 2020
I'm doing this update as a video because I'm a bit crunched for time, and because talking is easier than writing. Apologies for the lack of editing and production quality.
Squeak 'Em If You Got 'Em
30 Aug 2020
One thing I've been saying about Urania since the very beginning is that the entire thing is hubris. Now that the beta is just a few hours from closing, and I've compiled the feedback, it's clear I was very correct. I'm not going to go over all of the details here (check out the Discord server if you want some of the inside deets), however, I just wanted to commemerate the end of the beta and the beginning of the push to a final release.
Magic Notes
27 Jul 2020
Just a very quick update (text-wise, content wise it's actually long) with links to a couple of videos I put together this weekend. It's a two-part dive into magical note taking, as in, taking notes as part of a magical practice. This is something I've had on the back-burner for a while and a topic I'm passionate about.
20 Jul 2020
I would like to start by acknowledging that the title of this post is in opposition to the hero image above, in much the same way that today's new moon is in opposition to Saturn. I guess that's intentional? I mean I'm talking about it, and not changing it, which means it must be intentional, right? Are we not in an environment of strange oppositional dichotomies? Fuck it, I'm just gonna go with it.
Did I Say Prometheus?
12 Jul 2020
While you would have a legitimate complaint about the time it has taken me to get this post out, I feel like I have a good excuse. You see, it turns out that I may have been a WEE bit lax in my initial market research for Prometheus and missed an existing astrology software package of the same name. So I got to spend several weeks rebranding.
Black Lives Matter
12 Jun 2020
I know that an update to Hall of Doors, which doesn't currently have a large following, will have absolutely no meaningful impact on the struggle for racial equality. It's also pointless, and self-serving, to talk about the ways in which my husband and I have been trying to help.
Cosy Spaces
17 May 2020
Well, my weekly update streak lasted for a little over two months. Posting an update every week may have been... hm, a bit of hubris on my part. I'm glad I started with that constraint though. It really helped get the ball rolling and to build up some momentum.